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Laura van der Ham

Laura has been with Rasile Group since 2009 and is responsible for managing the Industry Research Team. She is a skilled storyteller, always searching for engaging and concise ways to present research results. During her career, Laura has looked at many industries and how they have been affected by digitization, including media, entertainment, (e-)commerce, tourism and finance. Her broad and far-reaching interests allow her to draw parallels between industries and apply learnings across multiple sectors. She holds a master’s degree in Communication Sciences from the University of Amsterdam and a bachelor's in Information Sciences from the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. 

Laura van der Ham

Laura has been with Rasile Group since 2009 and is responsible for managing the Industry Research Team. She is a skilled storyteller, always searching for engaging and concise ways to present research results. During her career, Laura has looked at many industries and how they have been affected by digitization, including media, entertainment, (e-)commerce, tourism and finance. Her broad and far-reaching interests allow her to draw parallels between industries and apply learnings across multiple sectors. She holds a master’s degree in Communication Sciences from the University of Amsterdam and a bachelor's in Information Sciences from the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. 

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