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Sjoerd Bakker

Fascinated by the interplay between technology and society, Sjoerd has studied the role of different actors in the innovation and implementation of new technologies throughout his career. At the thinktank, he is mainly involved in research and consultancy projects for clients, and strategic and thematic research for sister company Dasym. Among other themes, Sjoerd frequently writes and speaks about the power and danger of digital technology, as well as sustainability in both technological and institutional innovation. Before joining FreedomLab, he studied chemical engineering and Science, Technology and Society at the University of Twente, completing his doctorate in innovation studies at the University of Utrecht where he investigated the role of promises and expectations in the development of hydrogen cars. Following his studies, he continued his career at Delft University of Technology, leading and participating in several national and European projects concerning electrical mobility and mobility at large. In 2017, he published his book From Luxury to Necessity, which delineates how electricity and the automobile changed our everyday lives in the past and how new digital technologies will do so in the future.

Sjoerd Bakker

Fascinated by the interplay between technology and society, Sjoerd has studied the role of different actors in the innovation and implementation of new technologies throughout his career. At the thinktank, he is mainly involved in research and consultancy projects for clients, and strategic and thematic research for sister company Dasym. Among other themes, Sjoerd frequently writes and speaks about the power and danger of digital technology, as well as sustainability in both technological and institutional innovation. Before joining FreedomLab, he studied chemical engineering and Science, Technology and Society at the University of Twente, completing his doctorate in innovation studies at the University of Utrecht where he investigated the role of promises and expectations in the development of hydrogen cars. Following his studies, he continued his career at Delft University of Technology, leading and participating in several national and European projects concerning electrical mobility and mobility at large. In 2017, he published his book From Luxury to Necessity, which delineates how electricity and the automobile changed our everyday lives in the past and how new digital technologies will do so in the future.

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